Here you'll find links to my social media etc.
If you are on a smartphone, i'm setting up a linktree like website om my homeserver. You can find it here
I will upload photo's i take on conventions to my furtrack
If you like, you can help me identifying fursuits.
You will find my profile here:
If you find me om furtrack you can tag me under the following characters:
Dave Lenfair (Orange fox) ->
Loebas (Bernese Mountaindog) ->
I have a imgur profile. Not sure if i'm gonna use it though ->
I maintain a dutch blog about the fantasy/geekscene. Its build
using Wordpress
Its called Fantastic Limburg. and you can find it at:
You can find me on furaffinity at:
@davelenfair -> My public fursuit account, here i will post photo's of my fursuits. Also i will make announcements about attending (fur)cons/meets over here
@oranjevosje -> My personal account, here i will post random thoughts and other ramblings. Just anything about my personal life.
Afterdark -> If you like to have my afterdark account, feel free to ask me, but i wont give the handle to everyone. You can ask for it, but there is not garantee that i will give it to you
Since Elon Musk destroyed twitter, i moved over to the fediverse, you can find me over on fediverse at: My main account on the fediverse, i'm the most active on that account. Its my fursuit account, will post my fursuit adventures on here
Afterdark -> If you like to have my afterdark account, feel free to ask me, but i wont give the handle to everyone. You can ask for it, but there is not garantee that i will give it to you
You can like my facebook page at: